Terms of Service

Terms of Service

BMB Berlin Motor Books UG – limited liability General terms and conditions, as of 01.08.2011

§ 1 Scope

Between the orderer and the BMB Berlin Motor Books UG the following terms and conditions apply exclusively in the version valid at the time of the order. Different conditions apply only with the express written consent of the publisher.

§ 2 Contract conclusion

By clicking on the order button, the customer makes a legally binding declaration for the purchase of the goods, which were at that time in the shopping cart. The publisher then sends an automated confirmation by e-mail to the customer, who declares the receipt of the order. Here is still no acceptance of the order. The contract comes only by sending the goods to conditions. Orders can only be accepted if they are received before processing the order.

§ 3 Delivery, shipping costs

Shipping to Germany

Shipping to Germany is free.

Shipping within the EU

Shipping within the EU costs 15,99 € but may be subject to modification.

Shipping to Switzerland

Shipping to Switzerland costs 26,90 € but may be subject to modification.

Shipping to other countries

Shipping to other countries costs 36,99 € but may be subject to modification.

§ 4 Discounts

Discounts for the book trade we communicate on request.

§ 5 Cancellation Policy

Withdrawal: You order without risk and can cancel your order within 14 days without reason by sending the cancellation by mail or by e-mail. The period begins after receipt of this instruction in text form.Zur preservation of the withdrawal period, the timely dispatch of the revocation is sufficient. The revocation must be sent to: BMB Berlin Motor Books UG (limited liability) Gormannstr. 14 10119 Berlin E-Mail: info@berlinmotorbooks.de Returns: In the case of an effective cancellation, the mutually received benefits must be returned. Please understand that we can only take back new goods in their original packaging. We do not take back used items. The costs of the return are to be borne by the customer, furthermore proof of the returned goods. Obligations to reimburse payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of your revocation or the thing, for us with their receipt. Please use the original shipping carton for the return and send the goods back to: BMB Berlin Motor Books UG (limited liability) Gormannstr. 14 10119 Berlin Unfree shipments are not delivered to us! Inquiries and complaints please in writing or by phone.

§ 6 Due date and payment

The BMB Berlin Motor Books UG asks for free of charge payment without deduction within 8 days from end users. In the book trade, the publisher expects the receipt of payment no later than 4 weeks after receipt of the invoice. Deductions and discounts violate the price-fixing law. The delivered goods remain the property of the publisher until full payment of the invoice. Prices = gross prices. Price changes reserved. (D) = price for Germany

§ 7 Retention of title

The goods remain the property of the publisher BMB Berlin Motor Books UG until full payment of the purchase price.

§ 8 Privacy

The security and confidential treatment of your data is our top priority. For the protection of your data, we therefore use only the most modern security standards. The following provisions apply to BMB Berlin Motor Books UG (limited liability), Gormannstr. 14, 10119 Berlin. The use of your data and other information BMB Berlin Motor Books uses your “personal data entered when placing your order” exclusively for purposes relating to your order, eg. for information about your order status and / or delivery status. We use your e-mail address for informational letters, which we will send out on new publications of our publisher. Your consent to the use of your data mentioned here, you can withdraw at any time with effect for the future. The information we collect and analyze as you use our Sites includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address that connects your computer to the Internet, e-mail receipt and read receipt, logins, e-mail addresses, passwords, information on the browsers, operating systems and platforms used, your order history, the Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to and on our website, cookie or flash cookie numbers, the products that you viewed or searched for. Personal data are collected and stored exclusively within the framework of the statutory provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). The transfer of your personal data to third parties It is one of our principles to treat your data with absolute confidentiality and not to disclose it to third parties, only for the complete processing of your order we work together with service providers to whom we provide certain data (name, first name, street) to fulfill the contract. These are service providers for the delivery of parcels and for the processing of payments (credit card, bill purchase and direct debit).

§ 9 Final provision

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies excluding the UN sales law. A concluded contract remains valid even if individual points are ineffective. It then applies the law. The place of jurisdiction is Berlin. Please note: This translation was created automatically and we do not accept liability for errors based on the translation. The original German version of our terms of service can be found here.